Premiering at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival in the prestigious U.S. Documentary Competition, TIGERLAND tells the story of two remarkable men separated by half a century who through sheer force of will and determination dedicated their lives to altering the fate of the tiger. Directed by Academy®-Award winning filmmaker Ross Kauffman (“Born into Brothels,”) and produced by Oscar® winner Fisher Stevens (“The Cove”), TIGERLAND is the story about our relationship with one of the world’s most revered creatures.
Watch it on Discovery March 30. TIGERLAND will also be available starting March 23 on Discovery Go.
Produced for Discovery by RadicalMedia
Fictionless and Bloomfish Media
Directed by: Ross Kauffman
Produced by: Fisher Stevens, Xan Parker, Zara Duffy, and Ross Kauffman
Cinematography by: Matt Powell and Ross Kauffman
Edited by: Keiko Deguchi, A.C.E
Music by: Nathan Halpern
Executive producers: Dave Sirulnick, Jon Kamen, Justin Wilkes, John Hoffman, and Jon Bardin
Fictionless and Bloomfish Media
Directed by: Ross Kauffman
Produced by: Fisher Stevens, Xan Parker, Zara Duffy, and Ross Kauffman
Cinematography by: Matt Powell and Ross Kauffman
Edited by: Keiko Deguchi, A.C.E
Music by: Nathan Halpern
Executive producers: Dave Sirulnick, Jon Kamen, Justin Wilkes, John Hoffman, and Jon Bardin