The Innocence Files is a 2020 American true crime documentary miniseries about wrongful convictions, and how they can affect the lives of the involved. The series is based upon the work of the Innocence Project, which is committed to exonerating individuals who it believes to have been wrongfully convicted.
BlueJ Animation took courtroom sketches from the cases featured in the series, and brought them to life with animation as the narrative of the drama unfolded.
The Innocence Files was released on April 15, 2020 on Netflix. Watch the series here.
Series Directed by:
Roger Ross Williams
Jed Rothstein
Sarah Dowland
Liz Garbus
Alex Gibney
Andy Grieve
Sarah Dowland
Justin Melland
Peter Nashel
Jay Wadley
Jerry Henry
Daniel Hollis
Thorsten Thielow
Wolfgang Held
Peter Hutchens
Anna Auster
Michael Culyba
John Steven Fisher
Brian Goetz
Lindy Jankura
M. Watanabe Milmore
Samuel Nalband
Marc Vives
Jason Conradt